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This section contains PDF versions of the notes that we give out during PD sessions for you to download and use with your staff. Please note that all of these documents are copyright.
Workshop notes:
- Creating algorithms to investigate number patterns
- Modelling tasks design workshop and tasks: Wasted food, How high am I?
- Why kids don’t get division – Tierney Kennedy
- Developing Maths Concepts with Receipt Roll
- QAMT article – a tale of three schools
- Why I don’t hate NAPLAN
- What to do when kids already know everything – serious maths extension
- Using Rotation Groups Successfully
- Place value problems
- Struggles with regrouping
- NAPLAN secrets
- Differentiation, Differentiation MAV slides
- Combating algebra
- Improving student reasoning
- Mental maths with dice
- Dice connect four
- Make tens dominoes
- Multiplication grids with a twist
- Introducing negative numbers
- Key aspects of number – QAMT
- MASA keynote – when kids just don’t get it – making maths make sense – small
- Magically making more time in your week
- Critical number concepts – the first three years
- Multiplicative thinking and the link to quadratics
- Fractions book – sample only
- Assessing the proficiency strands notes for participants