Fact Sheets:
Here you will find resources about different aspects of student mathematical understanding, and what you can do to help. This section is largely derived from our observations in classrooms, which subsequently aligned with the findings of Big Ideas in Number, and includes similarities to some information contained in First Steps in Mathematics. Readers interested in learning more about critical concepts in mathematics would be well served to make reference to these useful publications.
What students need to know and understand about Number
What students need to know and understand about Algebra
What students need to know and understand about Measurement
What students need to know and understand about Spatial concepts and Geometry
What students need to know and understand about Statistics and Probability
Diagnostic Testing:
You might also want to download these diagnostic tests to try with your students from our Interventions in Mathematics series:
- Early primary – number quantity and partitioning oral test
- Middle primary / upper primary – place value
- Middle primary / upper primary / junior secondary – multiplicative thinking
- Upper primary / junior secondary – proportional reasoning in fractions
- Upper primary / junior secondary – decimals and percent