Professional development opportunities

Click here to see all of our upcoming training events


We provide tailored options to suit your school or your network.

Each school is different, so we tailor our options to best suit your needs. Please read through some options below and contact us to see what we can arrange for you.

For schools committed to long-term change, we offer a limited number of 12-month long projects with data analysis, live training, online private mentoring sessions and resources included. Please contact our admin team to arrange time to chat with one of our consultants. Click here for more information.

School visits with a consultant:

Each year we offer limited numbers of student free days, modelled lessons, mentoring our planning days for schools outside of our projects. For more information or to check our availability, please email our admin team who can arrange a time for your school leadership to speak with Tierney.

Modelled Lessons:  Would you like to watch one of our consultants model lessons in your own classes?  Release your teachers to come and see what happens with your students as we diagnose and fix misconceptions, challenging them to think hard and differentiating as we go.  Minimum time required is 1 hour per lesson, preferably with 10 minutes before and 20 minutes after with each group of staff to discuss the findings.

Diagnostic Lessons and Recommendations: Do you need to know exactly where your students are stuck and how to move forward to get the best results as quickly as possible?  Our consultants will run diagnostic lessons with your students to show you exactly where they are placed in our developmental sequence.  We will then meet with your administration and key staff to offer practical advice for targeted improvement.  This option can be paired with modelled lessons.

Mentoring and Coaching:  Our consultants will meet with small groups of teachers to discuss practical issues of teaching.  We love being asked curly questions!

Planning:  Our consultants will meet with a small group of school representatives to facilitate writing a maths work program to suit your students, staff and future directions.  Maximum of 6 staff members or planning becomes unwieldy.  This is best paired with a day spent doing Diagnostic Lessons (option 2 above).

Student Free Days:  Our consultants run training days for small and large groups of teachers, including multi-school days.  We can work with you to design a training program in advance, or go directly from teacher questions on the day.  We use problem-based teaching with adults as well as kids, so be prepared for a highly-interactive and very practical day packed with professional learning to cater for teachers at different levels.

Beginning a full year project:

Are you looking at working  with us, or with with other schools in your region or network to provide professional learning in mathematics? Please contact our admin team to arrange time to speak with Tierney about your priorities. We have run multiple highly-successful projects in SA, WA, VIC and QLD, in the State and Catholic systems.

Typically our 12 month packages have included:

  • Baseline data analysis for the each school and the whole partnership along with project reports for Leaders, including teacher and student data (effect size calculations, statistical significance)
  • In-person and online training for 40 participants to help your teachers not only understand the teaching approach but be able to lead your staff. This usually consists of 6 days in the first year, with some student-free days and some time modelling and mentoring in each school. We commit to supporting your partnership for as long as needed, however we actively encourage you towards independence as soon as you are ready.
  • Resources for each school:  Online web access to Back-to-Front Maths, a project training manual, professional learning videos and books and games as appropriate.
  • Access to pre-recorded webinars.
  • Diagnostic testing to use with all classes, as well as spreadsheets for data analysis and calculating effect size.  This data will be moderated and used throughout the project to check student improvements.
  • Useful tools for leaders, including “How to analyse your NAPLAN Data” and “How to achieve whole school change”.
  • Online mentoring throughout the year on topics of your choice.

Download our Single School Project Quote here: Single school project for 2025

Download our Multiple School Project Quote here: Multiple school project for 2025

Training Courses:

Click here to see all of our upcoming training events.

Our current suite of courses includes the following topics. Please get in contact if you would like to organise a course in your area, or have an area of need that you would like addressed.

  • Intervention that works: 2 days of intervention-focused strategies to rapidly improve understanding for struggling students. Includes resources and videos.
  • Fixing Misconceptions single day workshops on these topics: early number concepts, place value, fractions, multiplication and division. Includes diagnostics and a work book.
  • Key Number Concepts single day course: learn about 5 key number concepts and watch Tierney teach a class to find and fix their misconceptions. Includes 5 hours of videos for use afterwards.
  • Flexible Strategies single day course: learn 8 highly flexible strategies for teaching all mathematical content from F-9 and Essential Maths. Includes videos of all 8 strategies and a “how to” guide for their implementation.
  • Out of Field Support: our new 2 day support course for out-of-field teachers in junior secondary classes. Includes supportive instructions and “how to” guides.
  • Making Mathematical Connections: our new 1 day hands-on maths course for developing teacher and support-officer confidence and understanding of how maths works. Includes 60 games.
  • Year 7 Catch Up course: how to catch year 7 students up on the most important concepts and build a solid understanding within 6 months. Includes 59 lessons, diagnostics and tracking tools.
  • Modelling and AC9.0 Course: single day for designing modelling tasks to meet AC9.0 requirements. Includes access to 25 modelling tasks to adapt.
  • Assessment and Moderation Course: 2 day course focusing on both the content and proficiency requirements for the curriculum. Includes access to a bank of moderation tasks for each year level (F-8).
  • Each year we run an ongoing webinar series.
  • Open Projects: 6 day improvement projects spread over 12 months. These courses tend to have the best, and most sustained, improvement data (see graph below from every teacher on an open project in 2023).