Teachers’ Lounge
Diagnostic Tools webinar from 26/05/2020
High-Yield Strategies webinar from 19/05/2020
Useful links for this webinar:
- Dylan Wiliam’s youtube channel – look at for feedback and formative assessment
- Doug Rohrer’s paper on Interleaving
- Mike Askew and team’s report on Effective Teachers of Numeracy – look at the summary section for teacher beliefs regarding importance of challenge and connections
- Evidence for Learning Toolkit – great summary of many effective and ineffective approaches, including peer tutoring, self-regulation and metacognition and feedback.
- Tierney Kennedy’s formal research papers on combining challenge with conceptual change, along with a teacher-friendly summary of how to find and address underlying misconceptions.
Assessment Matrices – whole at-home program
The following spreadsheets are intended for recording assessment with the Achievement Standard for the at-home learning program. They indicate which parts of the AS have been met (A-E) and which parts remain. Hover over each code in the top row to see the A-E descriptions.
Full year A-E assessment matrices for F-8 for are accessible to subscribers in the lessons page for each year level.
- Class formative assessment record sheet, foundation
- Class formative assessment record sheet, year 1
- Class formative assessment record sheet, year 2
- Class formative assessment record sheet, year 3
- Class formative assessment record sheet, year 4
- Class formative assessment record sheet, year 5
- Class formative assessment record sheet, year 6
- Class formative assessment record sheet, year 7
Weekly topics:
Please click on the topic to go straight to the resources.
- Week 1 – Length
- Week 2 – Shape and Angles
- Week 3 – Arrays and Multiplication
- Week 4 – Arrays and Division
- Week 5 – Area(4-7) and Time (F-3)

As part of this package you will receive invites to attend free webinars each week to help you teach your classes. We will also be sending out regular email bulletins to answer questions. If you did not receive the password to this page directly from us, to receive this support you need to click on the following link and add your details: http://eepurl.com/gXFLqP
We also have a dedicated email address set up for this project. While we cannot reply individually, we will collate all questions and send out answers to everyone on the email list above via a bulletin ever 2-3 days. Please do not pass this email address onto parents as we are not in a position to answer parent questions – they should get help from you instead. The email address for teachers to use is b2fmathshome@kennedypress.com.au
Click here to go to the page for families
Week 1 Length
This week we will be teaching students the concept of length. We have included the recorded webinar from this week below. Below the video you will find the work programs. These documents include everything that is in the parent work programs, but with additional advice that will help you. The parent page also includes an introductory video on teaching length and a second video on converting between units of measurement. Remember to check out week one’s email bulletin for tips, questions and the upcoming sequence.
The video below is a recording from our live webinar on length on Thursday 2nd April.
Foundation resources are available from week 2 onwards. For week 1, we have suggested that families try the Year 1 work program and also play with Lego.
- Week 1 Year 1 workprogram for teachers
- Week 1 Year 2 workprogram for teachers
- Week 1 Year 3 workprogram for teachers
- Week 1 Year 4 workprogram for teachers
- Week 1 Year 5 workprogram for teachers
- Week 1 Year 6 workprogram for teachers
- Week 1 Year 7 workprogram for teachers
A. This is a very tricky question to answer! We are including a “what to look for” section each week that is directly linked with the Achievement Standard. That way whenever you get the work back you will be able to see what has been achieved. I would suggest though that you treat all student work from home as Formative Assessment rather than Summative. We are working on developing a tracker to use, which you can then also check once we are back at school.
A. We are making videos and including the work program specifically for this reason. It is the best we can do given the circumstance. I would suggest that you allocate some time each week to take parents and caregivers through the work and let them ask any questions. If you need to, the kids can watch the videos once they have tried the activity with their family. They are really designed to “show” the concept though, so try to work without that if possible.
A. Honestly, as long as their method works I wouldn’t worry too much about it. The Australian curriculum does not often specify the type of procedure to be used, just specifies “use written methods”. That gives us a lot of flexibility. At this stage let’s be mindful of parent confidence and let them teach what they know.
Week 2 Shape and Angle
This week we will be teaching students the concept of 2D shape and angles. Please click here to read week 2’s email bulletin.
Here is a recording of the webinar from Tuesday 7th April.
Remember to use these cards with years 4-7: Matching 2D and 3D shapes
Here is some isometric dot paper for use with multilinks cubes if you have them available.
- Week 2 Foundation work program for teachers
- Week 2 Year 1 work program for teachers
- Week 2 Year 2 work program for teachers
- Week 2 Year 3 work program for teachers
- Week 2 Year 4 work program for teachers compressed
- Week 2 Year 5 work program for teachers
- Week 2 Year 6 work program for teachers
- Week 2 Year 7 work program for teachers
There are some great videos this week for families, so make sure that you check them out.
Week 3 Arrays and Multiplication
This week we will be teaching students the concept of multiplication. Click here to read week 3’s email bulletin, including registering for our webinars.
- Week 3 Foundation work program for teachers
- Week 3 Year 1 work program for teachers
- Week 3 Year 2 work program for teachers
- Week 3 Year 3 work program for teachers
- Week 3 Year 4 work program for teachers
- Week 3 Year 5 work program for teachers
- Week 3 Year 6 work program for teachers
- Week 3 Year 7 work program for teachers
Here is our webinar from Tuesday (20 minutes). Please also scroll below to see videos on misconceptions and some teaching notes.
The video below shows misconceptions for multiplying two-digit numbers and also the development of the commutative property. It is not being shared on the family page.
Here is a video showing some simple ways to extend two-digit multiplication if your students are ready for that.
Week 4 Arrays and Division
This week we will be teaching students the concept of division. A recorded webinar from the first week of May is included below.
- Week 4 Foundation work program for teachers
- Week 4 Year 1 work program for teachers
- Week 4 Year 2 work program for teachers
- Week 4 Year 3 work program for teachers
- Week 4 Year 4 work program for teachers
- Week 4 Year 5 work program for teachers
- Week 4 Year 6 work program for teachers
- Week 4 Year 7 work program for teachers
Webinar from Tuesday 5th May
Week 5 Area and Time
This week we are teaching two separate concepts. Years F-3 will be learning about time while the 4-7s explore area. While it is not ideal to split concepts, particularly for classes that go across the 3/4 split, we feel that it is important to try and make sure that everyone is learning appropriate content. It is a natural time to teach area to older children as they have just finished a 2 week focus on arrays. As the younger children do not need quite so much time on area, we felt it was a good opportunity to reinforce time instead.
Time for Years F-3:
- Week 5 Foundation work program for teachers
- Week 5 Year 1 work program for teachers
- Week 5 Year 2 work program for teachers
- Week 5 Year 3 work program for teachers
Area for Years 4-7:
- Week 5 Year 4 work program for teachers
- Week 5 Year 5 work program for teachers
- Week 5 Year 6 work program for teachers
- Week 5 Year 7 work program for teachers
Webinars for this week:
This week we have provided two webinars: one on time and one on area.
Teaching time:
Teaching Area:
Week 6 Volume and Capacity
This week we are teaching volume and capacity.
- Week 6 Foundation work program for teachers
- Week 6 Year 1 work program for teachers
- Week 6 Year 2 work program for teachers
- Week 6 Year 3 work program for teachers
- Week 6 Year 4 work program for teachers
- Week 6 Year 5 work program for teachers
- Week 6 Year 6 work program for teachers
- Week 6 Year 7 work program for teachers
Week 7 Fractions
This week we are teaching fractions to each year level.
- Week 7 Foundation work program for teachers
- Week 7 Year 1 work program for teachers
- Week 7 Year 2 work program for teachers
- Week 7 Year 3 work program for teachers
- Week 7 Year 4 work program for teachers
- Week 7 Year 5 work program for teachers
- Week 7 Year 6 work program for teachers
- Week 7 Year 7 work program for teachers
Videos for this week focus on misconceptions with fractions and what to do about them. You may also like to consider purchasing our book, Fixing Misconceptions in Fractions to use once school resumes.
Common fractions misconceptions to watch out for
Year 7 students working out that thirds have to be fair
Week 8 Fractions and chance
This week we are consolidating our teaching of fractions and using this to introduce chance to each year level. This will be the last week of the at-home learning provided at this stage. To receive the suggested sequence for the rest of the year, make sure that you have added your email address to the list for this page. Once all States have returned to school we will ensure that these resources continue to be available in the members section of our website.
- Week 8 Foundation work program for teachers
- Week 8 Year 1 work program for teachers
- Week 8 Year 2 work program for teachers
- Week 8 Year 3 work program for teachers
- Week 8 Year 4 work program for teachers
- Week 8 Year 5 work program for teachers
- Week 8 Year 6 work program for teachers
- Week 8 Year 7 work program for teachers