Looking for the resources that go with this series? Click here
It can be incredibly frustrating to us as teachers when we spend time teaching a concept only to find that the students don’t seem to have understood any of it. This intervention program has been designed as a targeted approach to catch kids up on multiple years of key number concepts that ideally should have been developed in primary school, but which I have found are often missing for students in secondary school. It draws on my experiences of supporting hundreds of teachers in both primary and secondary contexts to figure out exactly what is going wrong and then fix it in the smallest amount of time possible.
At the moment we have five books in this series, all of which were Highly Commended in the 2016 Educational Publishing Awards.
- Fixing Misconceptions in Addition and Subtraction
- Fixing Misconceptions in Place Value to 1000
- Fixing Misconceptions in Multiplication and Division
- Fixing Misconceptions in Fractions
- Fixing Misconceptions in Decimals and Percent
Inside you will find diagnostic tasks to uncover misconceptions that are holding kids back from understanding as well as lessons with unique confrontational questions to fix misconceptions for good. These lessons will show you how to lead kids to abandon their misconceptions and figure out how maths works for themselves so that they really understand and don’t forget what we are teaching.
The teaching process specified within this program is very different from the explanation and practice process used by most of the teachers that I have worked with. Problem-based teaching is designed to make kids work out concepts for themselves rather than relying on them remembering our explanations. If the standard teaching approach has not worked for the kids who we are teaching then we need to do something different. This intervention program will show you how.
- Order Interventions books here for only $59.95 (or cheaper if you order all 5)
- Click here for additional resources to use in conjunction with these programs