Problem of the Week

Open Number Lines

Open number lines can be one of the best teaching tools ever.  Here are a few of our favourite ideas for how to use them: Use the line for base

Easter Maths Ideas

Here are a few simple ideas for Easter maths: Mini-Investigation: Compare the value-for-money of a range of Easter eggs vs bars of chocolate.  You will need to decide what parameters

Great ideas for parents

Are you a bit scared of maths yourself?  Try these ideas: Mathematics is often the subject that most parents tend to shy away from, so here are a few simple

Timely thoughts on analogue time

It is not all that often these days that I meet someone in the course of running Professional Development who seriously challenges my thinking.  I love it when it happens. 

Multistep with money

Money is a common multistep problem that tends to pop up regularly on NAPLAN. It is also a very easy way to introduce algebra or fractions in a meaningful way.

Multistep problems with money

Introduction: Be aware that students working at a C level are only expected to work out whether they have ‘enough’ money rather than calculate the change. A level students are

Relative Size of Numbers through Number Lines

This problem will help you check whether or not your students have the “base ten” concept. Adaptations for each grade follow the problem. 1. Draw a chalk line across your

Place Value and Base Ten

What comes after 100? 101, 102, 103… 109, 200!! We often use hundreds charts to help children understand place value, but these generally stop at 100. Many students think that