Developing algorithms is an important area in AC9, and one that is new to many teachers.
But what does it mean for us and what tasks might be good for kids?
For starters, it doesn’t mean vertical algorithms… think more like a flow chart or a set of if/then statements.
An algorithm is a set of steps, decisions or rules
that can be followed to solve a problem
or accomplish a task[1].
That means thinking in steps and looking for patterns. The box off to the side shows a few simple ideas or steps.
Ideas or steps for kids:
- Look for similarities and differences: what can you see that is kind of the same?
- Describe patterns: what do you notice? What is the same each time? What patterns can you see?
- Make and test conjectures: what might work? How could we check?
- Create steps, rules or generalisations: Let’s write an if… then… statement.
Tasks to use
Here are some great tasks to use with your kids. For more, check out Term 2 from years 2-6 as well as the appropriate section in years 7-8 in the Lessons section.
Patterns for 2s, 5s, 3s, 9s
- Experiment 1: A number is a multiple of 2 if the last digit is a multiple of 2 (2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
- Experiment 2: A number is a multiple of 5 if the last digit is a multiple of 5 (5, 10)
- Experiment 3: A number is a multiple of 3 if the digits sum to a multiple of 3
- Experiment 4: A number is a multiple of 9 (3×3) if the digits sum to a multiple of 9 (3×3)
Combining rules
Combine rules from prime factors to create rules for composites
- Combination 1: A number is a multiple of 10 (2×5) if it follows the rules for both 2s and 5s
- Combination 2: A number is a multiple of 6 (2×3) if it follows the rules for both 2s and 3s
- Combination 3: A number is a multiple of 4 (2×2) if it follows the rules for 2s twice (last 2 digits are a multiple of 2×2). A number is a multiple of 8 (2x2x2) if it follows the rule for 2s three times (last 3 digits are a multiple of 2x2x2).

Have fun exploring algorithms with your kids!
[1] Simplified from the description by ACARA found here: