When students start high school they often come in at all different levels. This means that many schools use Year 7 as a “catch up year” to prepare students for the rest of high school.
In this PD session, we will explore how to structure the first 6 months of Year 7 maths to help students master critical concepts from primary school while also developing a strong understanding of year 7 content. This course includes a demonstration with a live class as well as access to a 6 month program and a set of books.
Who this course is ideal for:
This day is focused around Year 7s, however all maths teachers from Years 6-9 as well as those teaching Essential Maths would also benefit.
Course outline:
1. Finding and addressing misconceptions with Year 7 students:
- Introduction to misconceptions
- Demonstration lesson using conceptual change approaches to address student misconceptions (1 hour)
- Finding common patterns in student responses
- Examining diagnostic testing responses
2. Addressing three areas of greatest need:
- Relative size and number lines, including integers, place value and introduction to algebra
- Area and array model for multiplicative and computational thinking as well as for factorising and expanding with algebra
- Proportional reasoning and operations with fractions, decimals and percent
3. High-impact strategies and how to use them across a program:
- Conceptual-change programs for addressing misconceptions
- Challenging problems as experiments
- Explicit teaching
- Interleaved and spaced practise
- Time to explore the program
Course includes:
Catering and workshop notes, plus
- Access to Back to Front Maths 6-month Intervention for Year 7 program, including all lessons
- 1 set of Interleaved Maths Essential Connections for year 11 Essential Maths books, or
- 3 books from the Interventions in Maths series: Fixing Misconceptions in Fractions, Multiplication & Division, and Decimal and Percent
Ticket Pricing:
– $425 per teacher or
– $375 per teacher for 3 or more from one school (Note: sending a minimum of 3 teachers also means the resources can be used for the whole school). Discount applies automatically at the check-out screen.
Download a flyer here: Year 7 Catch Up – Flyer