Is your primary maths program ready for the Australian Curriculum?
Learn what the changes entail, assess your school’s readiness to meet them and start taking steps to implement the changes in 2012.
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This preparation pack guides you to identify the changes your school needs to make provides tools to set those changes in motion so that you can be ready to demonstrate curriculum compliance in maths in 2012. Both classroom teachers and HOCs can benefit
Use this Preparation Pack 1 to:
Audit your current state of preparedness – 17 important questions to assess how well your staff understand the Australian Curriculum, how close your programs are to compliance and what areas to prioritise first.
Develop a better understanding of the Proficiency strands – a section of the the Australian Curriculum that is often overlooked because its importance (and the weight ACARA place on it) is not fully understood. Simple descriptions and practical classroom examples are provided.
Produce an action plan, using your individual audit results to identify areas of weakness, principle changes needed, barriers to changes and school-specific issues, then determine what to work on first.
Inform and educate parents and students with easy-to-understand assessment criteria sheets to explain how the assessment process is changing.
In less than two weeks, you can have a fully developed, highly practical plan to take your school to the next level.
This preparation pack was developed by highly-sought education consultant Tierney Kennedy from her extensive experience of working with schools to affect change and her particular expertise in implementing the Australian Curriculum in primary maths programs. Teachers report that her practical, in-class demonstration lessons and professional development sessions are some of the most useful they have ever experienced. She will soon be releasing the second Australian Curriculum preparation pack, focused on a closer examination of in-class implementation of the Australian Curriculum, including differentiation, lesson structure and timing and grouping . It also includes example activities and tools to assess the ACARA compliance of any new product or work program. Please provide a valid email address to receive this and other useful resources as they become available.