Improving results in Years P-6, with targeted professional learning and data analysis over 12 months for VIC teachers.
Project limited to 45 participants.
2 days Initial Training: 04 + 05 Feb
4 Follow-up days: 23 + 24 May + 02 Sep + 07 Nov
Venue: Harvest Home Primary School
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Students often begin to struggle in mathematics during Prep-6, when maths becomes more theoretical. Developing a strong understanding of place value, multiplicative thinking and fractions is critical at this stage of schooling. This course targets improvement in results for teachers and leaders of students in the middle years of primary school.
Who should attend:
This course is targeted at teachers of students from Prep-6, along with their leaders.
Resources and training included in the project:
- Initial two-day training course (valued at $495)
- Four follow-up days: during 2019 (valued at $600)
- Data analysis for your participating teachers: including school NAPLAN, PATM where appropriate, and targeted diagnostic testing in key number concepts, along with targeted advice for how to address any areas of concern (currently reserved for partnerships and not sold separately). This also includes resources to do your own analysis after completion of the project or to use with any other staff member in your school.
- Data evaluation and measurement of growth, including two growth reports for each school participating (currently reserved for partnerships and valued at $3000).
- Webinar access to our 2019 series, with a combination of live and pre-recorded sessions (valued at $250)
- Website access to all our Back to Front Maths resources for all grades (valued at $250)
- Books: one Teaching Resource Pack for your grade ($100), one each of three different Interventions manuals ($150), Assessment in Primary Mathematics ($80)
- DVD with 8 complete lessons of teaching ($200), all targeting key mathematical concepts
- Ongoing online mentoring accessible throughout the project (not currently offered to anyone)
Total value: $5125 + services not currently available to schools.
Actual Cost per participant to access all of this: $1450.
What’s involved:
All teachers and leaders participating in projects will be required to:
- Work with a group of students for at least one lesson per week of mathematics throughout the course (all resources provided or developed with course participants)
- Complete the diagnostic tasks provided, the interventions targeted to student growth and bring back the results in the specified times
- Share samples of student work gathered throughout the project
- Actively participate in discussions and be honest with their own struggles and successes
The topics addressed in each training session include:
- Initial two-day facilitator training course with sessions on: the Australian Curriculum for Prep-6, proficiency strands, diagnosing and addressing misconceptions, NAPLAN and addressing key difficulties in normal classroom teaching (differentiation, grouping, behaviour, catching students up and key number concepts)
- First follow up day: data analysis, profiling students who are not growing and the use of problem solving to develop relative size and multiplicative thinking
- Second follow up day: assessing the proficiency strands and moderation
- Third follow up day: learning design and creating lessons that both challenge students and are responsive to needs, with a specific focus on fractions
- Fourth follow up day: moderation day and analysing our growth data, as well as how to work with other teachers in your school to lead change – content focus on decimals and percent
- Please note: In at least three of the sessions there will be a live teaching demonstration with students from the hosting school.
What it looks like when kids catch up: