We are so excited to welcome you to our mathematical discussions webinar series for 2024!
Sessions will run on Wednesday evenings, twice per term. Each session will consist of a 5-10 minute presentation by Tierney on the topic along with special guests, and time for everyone to share their ideas and thoughts. There will be two streams running: one specifically to support Early Career teachers and one for everyone else. You can choose to join in with either stream or both as you choose!
As a discussion member you are invited to join in live if you are available, or to access the collated list of ideas and resources at a later time. All discussion members will be provided with certificates for 8 hours of training.
- Great games for building fluency – 14th Feb – Tierney will share 5 of her favourite games, then open the discussion up for sharing of games from others too
- Building in routines for survival – 13th Mar – simple routines for saving your sanity, making planning easier, and building in a break for you and your kids ECT stream
- Awesome ideas for practical applications, investigations and modelling tasks for all ages – 8th May – Tierney will share a few ready-made tasks that can be easily adapted to any age, then invite special guest Jody Crothers from WA to present some of his awesome application tasks for Essentials.
- Simplifying report cards – 29th May – how to get your reports done quickly and appropriately, with a bank of ready-made comments to use ECT stream
- Asking the right question at the right time – 31st July – Tierney will share a great bank of starter-questions that you can easily adapt to provide extension or support at the right time, then invite a special guest to present some of their own.
- Making it through, including time-saving tips and hacks – 4th Sept – term 3 is the toughest term every year. Don’t quit yet! Here are some tips and hacks to get you through the next few weeks. ECT stream
- Playing with geometry – 16th Oct – Developing geometric reasoning is tricky! Come along, share your favourite task, and leave with a whole bank of great ideas to promote geometrical thinking and reasoning.
- Ideas for the last few weeks, and setting up your class next year – 6th Nov – How to get the most out of the last few weeks of school when everyone is really tired; What to think about over the holidays; Planning for a great start to next year ECT stream
All sessions will run for 40 – 60 minutes (Times: 7:30 VIC, NSW, TAS, 7:30 or 6:30 QLD, 5:30 or 4:30 WA; 7:00 SA).
Once you join the series, your email address will be added to our information list. From there you will receive links early next year for all live sessions, as well as information about how to access the resources afterwards and what to do if you have any trouble. You will receive a reminder email, as well as a follow up afterwards the resources and the recordings as appropriate.