On August 6th, Tierney Kennedy will be providing a free briefing for primary school leaders on the major changes in the new Australian curriculum and what that means for SA schools. The session will be repeated three times on the day, allowing principals to choose which session suits them.
Sessions are limited to 25 participants (max. 2 per school) to allow questions to be addressed.
The briefing will include information on:
- Content and process shifts for each year level, F-6, in jargon-free language
- Using the AC9 achievement standard and A-E grading support for each year level –
Note: the SA Curriculum for public education learning standards are still in prototype format and will be refined over the next 18 months, so we will be using the AC9 achievement standards not the SA Curriculum learning standards.
- Setting your school up for success including: training sessions
to run with your teachers, predicting difficulties, prioritising changes
and how to start simply
Leaders will take away:
- Content changes “At a Glance” for each year level
- “Content, Process and Models” analytical tool to use in staff training sessions
- Proficiency processes “At a Glance” as they appear in the achievement standard
for each year level
- Adaptable A-E assessment criteria for each year level as well as sample reporting
comments in parent-friendly language
- A suggested year-long developmental sequence with AC9 SA content descriptors
for each term so that each year level covers similar concepts at the same time
- Access to videos, lesson plans and sample assessment items for all your teachers
for the remainder of 2024 to make your transition easier
Help make the transition easier on your staff and register today.